Our Services
We are here for you.
Our Hospice Buffalo program cares for terminally ill individuals who have a life expectancy of six months or less, while providing support and resources to families and caregivers. Hospice care focuses on comprehensive (physical, emotional, social and spiritual) care that is tailored to an individual’s needs and wishes.
The goal of palliative care is to improve the quality of life. Home Connections, our home-based palliative care program for adults, provides an additional layer of support and symptom management expertise to help patients and families facing serious, progressive illness. This program helps patients and their loved ones navigate the course of illness, regardless of diagnosis, prognosis or continued curative treatment.

Our team of hospice and palliative care professionals are here to help guide and support you. Contact us by phone at 716-686-8077 or click here to ask a question or to request assistance. We are here for you.